Why Grad Studies? Why Not!

Eileen Watson, Recruitment & Liaison Officer (Faculty of Graduate Studies)
Anesa Albert, Associate Director of Communications, Recruitment and Digital Engagement (Faculty of Graduate Studies)

Join the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) to learn what grad studies is all about at York University, and how accessible a graduate education really is. We’ll touch on the reasons why it’s a good idea to choose grad, the benefits a graduate degree brings, and we’ll debunk old-fashioned myths about what grad isn’t. Additionally, we'll share our best practices to better enhance recruitment and conversion.

At the end of this workshop, you’ll have a fulsome understanding of what graduate studies is, and how you can help spread the word that everyone belongs here. We want to help the undergraduate and graduate communities at York understand what we do in FGS, and how they can tap in to get our support.

Tuesday, Jul 18, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM