Inclusive Design at k2i (Kindergarten to Industry) Academy
Lisa Cole, Director of Programming (k2i academy, Lassonde School of Engineering)
Michelle Tsui-Woods, Associate Director of Operations and Development (k2i academy, Lassonde School of Engineering)
The k2i academy at the Lassonde School of Engineering is an ecosystem of diverse partners committed to dismantling systemic barriers to opportunity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) for underrepresented people in STEM. Creating systemic change in STEM education requires inclusive design approaches in both program and operational processes. Join Lisa Cole, Director of Programming and Michelle Tsui-Woods, Associate Director of Operations & Development at k2i academy in a session that explores the approaches used in the design and implementation of k2i programs. The k2i academy engages youth by bringing STEM to life – connecting directly with school boards and their classrooms, offering innovative work-integrated learning programs, and partnering with community organizations to provide unique, hands-on STEM learning opportunities. Since June 2020, k2i academy has already reached over 6,000 students, teachers, families, and community members, spending over 175,000 hours in virtual and face-to-face engagements. Recently, k2i academy was awarded a Minister’s Award of Excellence in the category of Equality of Opportunity.
@k2iacademy (twitter)
Friday, Jul 21, 2023 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Connect with York University