

The graduate program in Psychology is one of the largest and most diverse in Canada, with seven different areas of specialization: Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science; Developmental Science; History & Theory; Quantitative Methods; Social & Personality; Clinical; and Clinical-Developmental. 

Some of these, such as Quantitative Methods and History & Theory, are rarely found at other universities. We are also the only Canadian university with CPA-accredited clinical programs in both Clinical (adult) and Clinical-Developmental, as well as a Clinical Neuropsychology stream. In addition, we offer several diploma programs that allow students to customize their experience even further, making them highly attractive to future employers: Neuroscience (we have a neuroimaging research facility), Health Psychology and Statistics. 

The program boasts more than 90 faculty studying an impressively diverse range of topics. Some students and professors are associated with specialized cross-disciplinary research units: the renowned Centre for Vision Research, the LaMarsh Centre for Child & Youth Research and the Centre for Aging Research & Education. Our faculty members also have many collaborative research partnerships with organizations ranging from local hospitals to NASA, and our clinical programs have extensive connections with practicum sites. 

Graduate students are also given the opportunity to engage in pedagogy through teaching assistantships (TAships). The funding package we offer graduate students is one of the best in Canada, and our students are highly successful in obtaining prestigious scholarships. Psychology at York is an exciting place to be — come join us!

Degrees Offered


Program Component(s)

  • Practica
  • AND Thesis

Minimum Required GPA


Fall Entry

  • Full-time

Deadline - Fall (Full-time Applicants Only)


English Proficiency Requirement

Minimum TOEFL (Paper-based)600
Minimum TOEFL (Internet-based)100
IELTS (Academic Module)7.5
YUELIAcademic Program Level 9 with Distinction
YUELI Graduate Studies Preparation Program (GSPP)Graduate with distinction
CAELOverall score of 70, no component score less than 60
Minimum CPE ScoreC
Minimum CAE ScoreB
PTE Academic76


Program Component(s)

  • Practica
  • AND Dissertation
  • AND Qualifying examination(s)

Minimum Required GPA


Fall Entry

  • Full-time

Deadline - Fall (Full-time Applicants Only)


English Proficiency Requirement

Minimum TOEFL (Paper-based)600
Minimum TOEFL (Internet-based)100
IELTS (Academic Module)7.5
YUELIAcademic Program Level 9 with Distinction
YUELI Graduate Studies Preparation Program (GSPP)Graduate with distinction
CAELOverall score of 70, no component score less than 60
Minimum CPE ScoreC
Minimum CAE ScoreB
PTE Academic76

Additional Admission Requirements

Number of Recommendation(s)

  • 2 recommendation(s)

Other Requirements

MA & PhD: Statement of interest required. Applicants are expected to specify the areas that are of primary and secondary interest to them. Once admitted, shifting from one area to another is not normally permitted. Preference is given to applicants with strong academic backgrounds who appear promising as researchers and, for the Clinical Psychology and Clinical-Developmental areas, those who also appear promising as clinical practitioners.