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Data Analysts

Introduction to York’s New SEM Framework

Margaret Kierylo, Assistant Vice-President, Institutional Planning and Chief Data Officer
Darran Fernandez, Assistant Vice Provost & University Registrar

Join us for the SEM Learning Days kick-off session where we will introduce York’s new SEM Framework and Action Plan.

Monday, Jul 17, 2023 9 AM - 10 AM

Location: Virtual

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Using Program Assessment & Evaluation to Impact the Student Journey

Danielle Pierre, Divisional Assessment Analyst (Division of Students)

Successfully retaining students and delivering leading edge student services involves centering students' interests in multiple domains: academic, access to campus resources, preparing for a career, exploring multiple identities, and exploring passions outside of the classroom. With so much variation, how can we know that our work is positively impacting the student experience?

This workshop will define and describe program assessment and evaluation. Participants will learn about the key terms and fundamental concepts that are required to engage in program assessments or evaluations.

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Location: Virtual

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Working With/Through/Beyond Theory: Examining the Potential and Possibilities for Practice

Dirk J. Rodricks, PhD, Director, Student Engagement (Student Success)
Woo Kim, Director, International Student and Scholar Services (York International)

This session will introduce participants to a few key student development theories through which they can imagine their work. Using small group discussions and case studies, participants will apply principles from the theory and reflect on how their social location shapes their student success philosophy and practice.

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Location: Virtual

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Data Warehouse 101

Keshia Gray, Associate Registrar & Director, Student Recruitment and Admissions (Office of the University Registrar)

Data Warehouse is the official source that captures York's applicant data. This session will provide an overview of the dashboards and various ways to view the data. We will explore the limitations and discuss how it should be considered when making decisions. (If you do not have access to Data Warehouse, request permission from your SIS Designate to follow along through the demonstration)

Wednesday, Jul 19, 2023 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Location: Virtual

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Adopting a Collaborative Approach: Creating a Dedicated, Equitable, and Efficient Advising Model

Derrick Fairman, Director, Advising, Petitions and Student Relations (Liberal Arts & Professional Studies)
Leah Semmelhaack, Manager, Student Success & Academic Advising (Liberal Arts & Professional Studies)

This session will examine the implementation of the Program Cluster Model of Academic Advising in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. This interactive session will look at the collaborative effort of the students, advising staff, faculty, and administration to implement an advising model with the following goals:

  • To improve the overall student experience with advising in the Faculty of LA&PS through a collaborative, student-centred approach that includes students, advisors, faculty and administration.
  • To redesign the LA&PS advising structure to create a caseload model based on clusters of programs based on student migration patterns,
  • To implement primary and secondary program assignments for each advisor to ensure continuity of care throughout the student’s academic lifecycle
  • To adopt technology tools and a new service delivery model to facilitate the advising assessment pillars of timeliness, care, accuracy, and accessibility.
  • To facilitate the integration of Appreciative Advising and early alert initiatives to improve the student experience.

Thursday, Jul 20, 2023 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Location: Virtual

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