Adeline Chacko

Winning an award gave this student the freedom to continue her studies -
now, she wants to inspire others

When Adeline Chacko was growing up, women were not encouraged to pursue higher education. But that did not stop her.

“Other people advised my parents not to enrol me in school since they said it would be a waste of money and this led me to question my own capabilities and skills,” says Adeline, an international student from India. “My experiences sparked my interest and passion to fight for equality and the importance of quality education.”

She has been pushing boundaries ever since. To help others in similar situations, Adeline started SHE Rising, a program that aims to help young girls from underprivileged families discover the importance of equality, financial independence and freedom of choice.

Getting support from York

This initiative was one of the reasons Adeline received York University’s Tentanda Via Award, a prestigious scholarship that recognizes students who have faced barriers, and despite these challenges, have persevered in the pursuit of a university education. As a second-year sociology student, this award is aiding Adeline with funding her degree.

“My parents were constantly supportive of my dream when I was a child,” says Adeline. “I always thought, ‘I want to fly high. I just want to pursue my education.’” And she has made a difference on the lives of other young women.

Recently, her parents have shared stories about other girls who are also paving their own paths to pursue their dreams. “By seeing other young girls change their perspective on pursuing education, it has been nothing short of life-changing,” says Adeline. “Having the chance to study at a university opens doors to meet passionate and dedicated students from many different backgrounds.”

She is pursuing her dreams and making a difference thanks to the financial support of the Tentanda Via Award. She recommends new and current York students explore the funding opportunities available on the York Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries website and apply.

While applying for scholarships can be a lengthy process, Adeline says that it was worth the effort since it has allowed her to study in Canada.

“I'm so grateful to York University and the scholarship committee,” Adeline says. "This scholarship is my horizon, and York University is my wings to pursue my education.”

Tips to applying for an award, scholarship or bursary

Below are some quick tips for preparing a strong award application when applying for a scholarship, award or bursary.

  1. Be creative with your application. Think about how your current experiences, whether it’s volunteer, work or personal, can support your application by showing how you have gotten involved and created positive change in your community.
  2. Be mindful of the award criteria when crafting your application and be clear about the grounds under which you are applying.
  3. If you use acronyms, explain what they mean. Before submitting your application, always spell check.
  4. Choose a referee that can speak to how you meet the award criteria, such as someone who has personal knowledge of the challenges you have overcome.
  5. If you are someone who has overcome barriers or challenges, create a detailed statement including how those barriers or challenges occurred, how long they lasted, how you overcame them and what you learned in the process.
  6. If you are a changemaker or leader, specify which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) your work is related to. This will highlight the impact of your work, how it pushed boundaries and your learning outcomes.