LAPS Business Economics

Business Economics

Gain insight into critical business topics such as strategic competition, the organization of firms and international issues facing businesses in the changing global marketplace. Join the next generation of entrepreneurial innovators developing a mind for business and learning how to strategize on a global scale. Start sowing the seeds for an international career now.

Business Economics

Business Economics combines economic theories with the field of business administration. In this program, we are concerned with the study and consequences of scarcity and strategic competition. Individuals, households, businesses and nations all experience some level of scarcity in that they do not possess all the resources to satisfy all their wants and needs. Decisions have to be made to balance those scarce resources in order to improve what can be achieved with them.

You will become acquainted with all the activities which illustrate the practical nature of the subject, such as government reports, articles in newspapers and periodicals and examples from daily life. This program integrates aspects of economics and business studies, focusing on the use of economic analysis and statistical methods to deal effectively with economic problems in practical business fields. By applying economic theory to business management, you will become familiar with the analytical and decision-making techniques used in the business world and with the public and private institutional environments within which businesses operate.

Did you know that this program is also offered by our Glendon campus? Explore Economics at Glendon.

Business Economics
Resources and scarcity, competition and strategy, marketplace and distribution: this is Business Economics.

While you develop a comprehensive understanding of economic theories and business administration, York’s Business Economics program will provide you with the tools for long-term success in a field that is always adapting to the changes in our global community.

Critical Thinking
Business Analytics
Marketing Director
Project Manager
Brand Strategist
Public Policy Analyst
Financial Advisor
Fund Manager
Business Ethics Consultant
Retail Strategist
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