LAPS Cognitive Science

Cognitive Science

Cognitive science is the scientific study of the mind and its processes. What is especially exciting about cognitive science is its interdisciplinary cooperation involving psychologists, philosophers, computer scientists, neuroscientists and others. Learn from leading national and international researchers through the Cognitive Science Speaker Series and Cognitive Science Workshops.

Cognitive Science

Unravel the intricacies of the human mind alongside the oldest philosophical questions and the most recent scientific discoveries — and watch your professional future take flight.

Cognitive science majors will examine the nature of thought, memory, perception and language from a variety of different perspectives in order to acquire a rich knowledge of the mind. You will have the chance to study the different ways in which infants and non-human animals may be able to think and reason without language, how computers may be programmed to demonstrate intelligence and the nature of the relationship between social interaction and cognition.

Cognitive Science
Language and communication, brain and mind, science and philosophy: this is Cognitive Science.

Get involved in groundbreaking work in fields such as vision, social cognitive neuroscience, language evolution, autism research, robotics, ape cognition and consciousness, enriched by your contact with energetic professors and research groups.

Logical Reasoning
Statistical Methods
Animal Caretaker
Child Life Specialist
Speech Pathologist
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