YU Prep

Learning is a journey; begin yours with confidence

YU Prep is a series of online modules and workshops designed for incoming first year students. Developed and taught by York University instructors and student services professionals, YU Prep modules invite you to explore, study and engage with different subjects to support your successful transition to university. 

Modules are open to students of any program and provide a mix of academic instruction, skill-building and personal development opportunities. Choose subjects that support your interests and individual learning goals. 

If you have questions about YU Prep registration and/or offerings, please contact yuprep@yorku.ca.

L’apprentissage est un parcours; commencez le vôtre avec confiance

YU Prep est une série de modules en ligne et d’ateliers conçus pour les nouveaux étudiants et étudiantes de première année. Développés et donnés par des enseignants et des spécialistes des services étudiants de l’Université de York, les modules YU Prep vous invitent à explorer et à étudier différents sujets afin de réussir votre transition universitaire.

Les modules sont ouverts aux étudiants et étudiantes de tous les programmes et offrent un mélange d’enseignement académique, d’acquisition de compétences et de possibilités de développement personnel. Choisissez des sujets qui correspondent à vos intérêts et à vos objectifs d’apprentissage individuels.

Module Offerings

Self enrol in your choice of modules below, once you have accepted your offer of admission to York University.  Note that modules may be subject to registration limits and space is available on a first come, first served basis.  

YU Prep modules do not count for academic credit, require no pre-requisite classes and will not appear on your academic transcript. 

Module Fees

Please note that most YU Prep modules are fully subsidized by York University and offered to incoming students at no charge. Some modules may indicate a required refundable deposit or registration fee. Upon your successful completion of these modules, the deposit will be reimbursed to you. In some cases, module providers have arranged for early access to electronic workbooks that you would have purchased later as a participant in specific courses. For those modules, a non-refundable materials fee will apply. Please read each module's registration details.  

Click to expand and browse each module topic below.

Cours offerts

Inscrivez-vous aux modules de votre choix ci-dessous, une fois que vous avez accepté votre offre d’admission à l’Université York. Veuillez noter qu’il peut y avoir des limites d’inscription et que les places sont offertes selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi.

Les modules YU Prep ne donnent pas droit à des crédits universitaires; ils ne nécessitent pas de cours préalables et n’apparaîtront pas sur votre relevé de notes.

Frais liés aux cours

Veuillez noter que la plupart des modules YU Prep sont entièrement subventionnés par l’Université York et offerts gratuitement aux nouveaux étudiants et étudiantes. Certains modules peuvent exiger un dépôt remboursable ou des frais d’inscription. Lorsque vous aurez terminé ces modules avec succès, le dépôt vous sera remboursé. Dans certains cas, les fournisseurs de modules ont pris des dispositions pour vous donner un accès anticipé aux cahiers d’exercices électroniques que vous auriez achetés plus tard dans le cadre de certains cours. Pour ces modules, des frais de matériel non remboursables s’appliquent. Veuillez lire les détails d’inscription de chaque module.

Cliquez pour agrandir la liste de cours ci-dessous.

Get Ready for Studies in Math and Science
Préparez-vous pour des études en mathématiques et en sciences


Module Overview

This module will provide you with a review of major concepts in biology that you will see on a university syllabus. Refresh your familiarity with the materials through self-assessment activities, tests and fun games.

In this module you will learn about:

Week 1: biological macromolecules I - carbohydrates and proteins
Week 2: biological macromolecules II - lipids and nucleic acids
Week 3: cell biology - prokaryote vs eukaryote cell structure, mitosis and meiosis
Week 4: molecular biology - Eukaryotic DNA replication, transcription and translation
Week 5: evolution - natural selection, adaptation, convergent and divergent evolution

Click to view FAQs about this module [https://www.yorku.ca/science/students/future-students/science-summer-transition-program/#FAQ]

Still have questions? Contact science@yorku.ca 

This module is part of the Science Summer Transition Program: Transition to University Success. For more information, visit the program website.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will:

  • have reviewed all major concepts in biology at the intersection of high school and an undergraduate syllabus;
  • gain exposure to university-style lectures, assessments and course materials;
  • feel comfortable with your module materials with the help of lecture notes and resources; and
  • have enhanced your performance and self confidence in the subject material.


Module Delivery Format

The Science Summer Transition modules will be delivered in a purely remote and synchronous form.

Technical Requirements

To complete this module, you will need:

  • an internet connection that can support video streaming: broadband wired or wireless (at least 3G or 4G/LTE);
  • an internet browser (IE 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+ or Safari 7+);
  • a laptop or desktop computer with speakers and a microphone; and
  • a webcam or HD cam or HD camcorder with video capture card.

Additional technical recommendations

  • Minimum recommended processor:
    • single core 1Ghz or higher
    • dual core 2Ghz or higher (i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent) with 4GB RAM
  • Recommended operating systems:
    • macOS X with macOS 10.9 or later
    • Windows 10 (devices with Windows 10 must run Windows 10 Home, Pro or Enterprise. S Mode is not supported)


Questions? Contact yuprep@yorku.ca.
Language of Instruction
Dates Scheduled
Tuesday, July 16, to Thursday, August 15 (Tuesday and Thursdays, 1 to 2:30 p.m. / Module Registration deadline: Tuesday, July 9).
Completion Time
5 weeks; 15 hours
A refundable $50 attendance deposit will be posted to registrants’ York University student accounts. The deposit will be reversed upon successful completion of 80% of the module.
For More Details
Visit Module Webpage
Register Now


Module Overview

Module Overview

Offered by the Faculty of Science

This module will offer students a comprehensive review of high school material that will not be explicitly covered in courses, but will be fundamental to succeed in first-year university chemistry courses.

In this module you will learn about:

Week 1: experimentation and measurement
Week 2: atoms and elements
Week 3: molecules, compounds and nomenclature
Week 4: chemical reactions and stoichiometry
Week 5: reactions in aqueous solution

Click to view FAQs about this module [https://www.yorku.ca/science/students/future-students/science-summer-transition-program/#FAQ]

Still have questions? Contact science@yorku.ca 

This module is part of the Science Summer Transition Program: Transition to University Success. To learn more, visit the program website.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will:

  • have a deeper understanding of chemistry fundamentals;
  • have reviewed atomic theory, chemical bonding, molecules and compounds, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, solutions and solubility, precipitation reactions, acid-base reactions and oxidation-reduction reactions; and
  • have developed systematic problem-solving skills.
Module Delivery Format

 The Science Summer Transition Program modules will be delivered in a purely remote and synchronous form. Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements

To complete this module, you will need:

  • an internet connection that can support video streaming: broadband wired or wireless (at least 3G or 4G/LTE);
  • an internet browser (IE 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+ or Safari 7+);
  • a laptop or desktop computer with speakers and a microphone; and
  • a webcam or HD cam or HD camcorder with video capture card.

Additional technical recommendations

  • Minimum recommended processor:
    • single core 1Ghz or higher
    • dual core 2Ghz or higher (i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent) with 4GB RAM
  • Recommended operating systems:
    • macOS X with macOS 10.9 or later
    • Windows 10 (Devices with Windows 10 must run Windows 10 Home, Pro or Enterprise. S Mode is not supported)
Questions? Contact yuprep@yorku.ca.
Language of Instruction
Dates Scheduled
Tuesday, July 16, to Thursday, August 15 (Tuesday and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. to noon / Module registration deadline: Tuesday, July 9).
Completion Time
5 weeks; 15 hours
A refundable $50 attendance deposit will be posted to registrants’ York University student accounts. The deposit will be reversed upon successful completion of 80% of the module.
For More Details
Visit Module Webpage
Register Now

Math Essentials

Module Overview

This module is designed to strengthen foundational mathematics skills in preparation for further courses in mathematics that will assume effective mathematical communication, appropriate problem-solving strategies, strong and personalized study skills and confidence with high school mathematical topics.

In this module you will learn about:

Week 1: exponents, factoring and rational expressions
Week 2: linear and quadratic equations and inequalities

Week 3: exponential and logarithmic functions
Week 4: trigonometry
Week 5:  logic and effective representation and communication of mathematics

Click to view FAQs about this module [https://www.yorku.ca/science/students/future-students/science-summer-transition-program/#FAQ]

Still have questions? Contact science@yorku.ca 

This module is part of the Science Summer Transition Program: Transition to University Success. To learn more, visit the program website.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will:

  • demonstrate knowledge of fundamental math topics like exponents, algebra, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometry and mathematical logic;
  • confidently communicate mathematical concepts orally, visually and in written form; and
  • have reflected on your mathematical skills and created a plan to succeed in first-year math courses.
Module Delivery Format

The Science Summer Transition modules will be delivered in a purely remote and synchronous form.

Technical Requirements

To complete this module, you will need:

  • an internet connection that can support video streaming: broadband wired or wireless (at least 3G or 4G/LTE);
  • an internet browser (IE 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+ or Safari 7+);
  • a laptop or desktop computer with speakers and a microphone; and
  • a webcam or HD cam or HD camcorder with video capture card.

Additional technical recommendations

  • Minimum recommended processor:
    • single core 1Ghz or higher
    • dual core 2Ghz or higher (i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent) with 4GB RAM
  • Recommended operating system:
    • macOS X with macOS 10.9 or later
    • Windows 10 (devices with Windows 10 must run Windows 10 Home, Pro or Enterprise. S Mode is not supported)


Questions? Contact yuprep@yorku.ca.
Language of Instruction
Dates Scheduled
Tuesday, July 16, to Thursday, August 15 (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 to 10:30 a.m. / Module Registration deadline: Tuesday, July 9).
Completion Time
5 weeks; 15 hours
A refundable $50 attendance deposit will be posted to registrants’ York University student accounts. The deposit will be reversed upon successful completion of 80% of the module.
For More Details
Visit Module Webpage
Register Now
Build Skills for University Success
Développer des compétences pour réussir à l'université

The University Experience

Module Overview

The University Experience module is designed to help you develop and/or enhance the essential skills you will use in most of your university courses. 

In this module you will learn about:

  • note-taking and academic reading;
  • effective studying and the myths of multitasking;
  • maintaining academic integrity in class and online;
  • writing and research strategies; and
  • how to communicate professionally with instructors and peers.

Click to view FAQs about this module [https://www.yorku.ca/science/students/future-students/science-summer-transition-program/#FAQ]

Still have questions? Contact science@yorku.ca 

This module is part of the Science Summer Transition Program: Transition to University Success. To learn more, visit the program website.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will:

  • improve your academic reading capabilities;
  • develop strategies for effective note-taking;
  • explore alternatives to multitasking (i.e. Pomodoro Technique);
  • understand universal elements of effective writing and communication;
  • know how to identify, validate, cite and paraphrase research sources; and
  • understand the importance of academic integrity.
Module Delivery Format

The Science Summer Transition modules will be delivered in a purely remote and synchronous form.

Technical Requirements

To complete this module, you will need:

  • an internet connection that can support video streaming: broadband wired or wireless (at least 3G or 4G/LTE);
  • an internet browser (IE 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+ or Safari 7+);
  • a laptop or desktop computer with speakers and a microphone; and
  • a webcam or HD cam or HD camcorder with video capture card.

Additional technical recommendations

  • Minimum recommended processor:
    • single core 1Ghz or higher
    • dual core 2Ghz or higher (i3/i5/i7 or AMD equivalent) with 4GB RAM
  • Recommended operating systems:
    • macOS X with macOS 10.9 or later
    • Windows 10 (devices with Windows 10 must run Windows 10 Home, Pro or Enterprise. S Mode is not supported)


Questions? Contact yuprep@yorku.ca.
Language of Instruction
Dates Scheduled
Wednesday, July 17 to Wednesday, August 14 (Wednesdays, 1 to 4 p.m. / Module Registration Deadline: Tuesday, July 9).
Completion Time
5 weeks; 15 hours
A refundable $50 attendance deposit will be posted to registrants’ York University student accounts. The deposit will be reversed upon successful completion of 80% of the module.
For More Details
Visit Module Webpage
Register Now
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